FOR SALE: 5000+ Board Feet 1″ Rough Sawn Larch Lumber Minimum bid: $1500 Sealed bids must be received by 4/10/2017 at 3:00 pm. Buyer is responsible for loading, removing, and handling ALL LUMBER.
Remaining trees will be sold on a “first come-first served” basis: Coniferous Seedlings: 145 Black Hills & Colorado Blue Spruce -150 Coniferous Transplants: White Cedar -55 Balsam Fir – 140 Doug Fir – 10 White Pine – 10 Blue Spruce...
NYS DEC’s stormwater permit requires all developers, contractors, and subcontractors to identify at least one trained person from their company that is responsible for implementation of the SWPPP, and have at least one trained contractor on site on a daily basis...
Note for Jefferson County, New York residents: If you are ordering 100 trees or more, please contact one of our foresters BEFORE placing your order (315) 782-2749. Dismiss